"With approximately 20% of American oil production and 10% of American natural gas production coming from marginal wells, they are America’s true strategic petroleum reserve.”
Barry Russell, President of the Independent Petroleum Association of American
Mission Statement

Byers Heirs #2
Deu Pree Field
Wood County
A well originally completed in the Woodbine formation from perforations of 5736’ – 80’ making 74 bbls per day of 16 deg gravity “heavy” oil and accumulating 78,000 bbls of oil.

Byers #1
Deu Pree Field
Wood County
A well that is an offset to the #2 well and was completed in the Woodbine formation. It had an initial rate of 122 bbls of oil per day and accumulated 120,000 barrels of oil.

Cameron #1
Deu Pree Field
Wood County
A well that was drilled south of the two Byers wells. The well was completed in the SubClarksville formation as it was not drilled to a depth sufficient to evaluate the Woodbine formation.
Our objectives

Allied Energy Corporation is committed to the sourcing and supplying of petroleum resources to the market by exploiting existing shut in wells that are deemed to hold good potential to be productive again at 10-50 barrels per day.

Allied’s team believes that there is a vast untapped resource waiting to be brought back on stream using the latest technology in electric logs to identify productive formations that were missed 25 – 30 years ago.

New down hole drilling and completion techniques will allow Allied to maximize production from these old shut-in wells and in turn enhance return on investment dollars.

This allows Allied to develop wells that have known reserves and the basic infrastructure is already in place, with no new damage to the environment while supplying additional petroleum resources to the market.